Why Enroll?
There are low-cost plans to choose from that cover preventative care, doctor visits, prescriptions, hospitalizations and more to help you maintain your health.
Whatever your needs, there is free in-person assistance available to help you complete your application. Find an assister near you by going to our "How and Where to Apply" page (CLICK HERE).
If you don't enroll by January 31, 2017 you may have to pay a penalty of $695 or more.
Find out what you are eligible for today. It doesn't hurt to look.
You could get help paying for your insurance — 4 out of 5 New Jerseyans who applied last year did! Many more are still eligible for financial assistance to help reduce the cost. See what you are eligible for by using the Get Covered CALCULATOR directly below. Further down on this page, use the PLAN EXPLORER to learn about your options .
What You Need to Know if Your Health Insurance Company is Leaving the Marketplace for 2017
If the health insurance company you chose in 2016 is no longer offering plans on the Marketplace for 2017 you'll need to consider what alternate plan best suits your needs. On November 1, 2016 the Marketplace will begin open enrollment once again. The most important thing current Marketplace enrollees can do during open enrollment is update their household information and compare plans available for 2017 (click here).
The Marketplace has new plans and prices every year, and the amount of financial assistance you qualify for can also change. So, check out your options. By taking a few minutes to comparison shop will not only help make sure you get the plan that's right for you, but also at the best possible cost.
This year HealthCare.gov will be taking additional steps to make sure consumers stay covered on January 1, even if their current health insurance company is leaving the marketplace in 2017:
1. HealthCare.gov will suggest a new health insurance plan for these consumers.
2. Consumers may receive a welcome kit and bill from this plan in the coming weeks to make it easier to avoid a gap in coverage, but they are under no obligation to enroll in this plan.
3. Just like all current marketplace enrollees, they might find another plan they like better if they shop.
4. Consumers who don't enroll in an alternate plan by December 31st will lose their health coverage until they enroll in a new plan and pay the premium.
5. Consumers needing to change plans because their health insurance company is leaving the Marketplace will have until February 28, 2017 to enroll in a new plan.
Consumers renewing their coverage for any other reason must enroll by January 31, 2017 in order to avoid the penalty.
NEWS — July 2015 — "Governor's Medicaid Proposal Would Shift Costs to New Jersey Taxpayers and Health Care Providers" (click here).
NEWS — February 26, 2015 — "How 13 Million Americans Could Lose Insurance" (click here).
NEWS — January 20, 2015 — "Immigration Status and the ACA" (click here).
NEWS — January 15, 2015 — "The ACA and Health Costs" (click here).
NEWS — January 5, 2015 — "LGBT People Must Enroll–So We Make Health Care Work For Us" (click here).
NEWS — November 20, 2014 — "Sentinel Project Hopes to Help Newly Insured Get What They’ve Paid For" (click here).
NEWS — November 19, 2014 — "Supporting Parent Advocacy Network News" (click here).
NEWS — November 7, 2014 — "Small Business: Get Your Workers Covered!" (click here).